The range of vessels we produce are (snapshot):
- Storage tanks
- Agitators
- Pressure vessels
- Vacuum vessels
- Columns
- Stacking towers
- Drums
- Silos
Gothe Edelstahl: Everything from one source...
Druckerstraße 12-20
41238 Mönchengladbach
Tel.: +49 2166 1292-0
Fax: +49 2166 1292-20
Gothe Edelstahl: Everything from one source...
We manufacture stainless steel vessels, columns and tanks in all sizes. Planning takes place in accordance with the customer’s drawings. Vessels up to 5000 mm in diameter, 1500 mm in length and a weight per unit of up to 25 t are manufactured completely in our factory. Dimensions which cannot be transported as a whole, are prefabricated in our factory in transportable and ready to assemble components, which are later transported to and assembled at the construction site.
Vessels can be manufactured according to AD-Merkblätter (European safety regulations for pressure vessels) and WHG (Federal Water Act).
The range of vessels we produce are (snapshot):
Tel.: +49 2166 1292-51
E-Mail: goeksu[at]gothe-edelstahl[dot]de